One unexpected benefit of photography for me is reconnecting with people I have not seen for years. Last week I had the opportunity to see a friend from high school that I had not seen for probably 17 years! When she walked up to me with her gorgeous little girl, Aly, my jaw just dropped!Her features are just striking!
She has beautiful twinkling brown eyes.... crazy beautiful hair....and a very sweet demeanor...I am not sure if I do her spirit justice with my descriptive words, but when I look at these next two images I feel like I am able to see right into this spunky little girl's soul. How STINKIN' adorable are these!!! I love those shoes, Converse are the BEST!
When we were downtown, we stopped into Hello Cupcake and took a few images there as well. Hello Cupcake is like a dream for a little girl.... beautiful chandeliers.... lots of perfect cupcakes with sprinkles and flowers..... the smell of frosting...lolly pops... sparkly things... and very nice people!
I think this image is great because it makes her look so small. It makes me remember that she is only 3 and 1/2. After gazing out these huge windows, we had to head outside to play a bit.
We skipped and we ran...We spun and we swung...We explored and we observed.... we even made fake cherry pie, Aly's favorite!
Aly, Thank you for spending the morning with me... thank you for making me laugh and thank you for my cherry pie. It was delicious!