Tuesday, November 17, 2009

A Brisk Morning, A Cold Nose and A New Puppy

Last year I was leisurely driving up to a Sunday holiday shoot when I realized that I had my husbands Seahawks tickets in the seat right next to me. UGH... I really HATE to be late, and on this day, I had no choice but to turn around... drive home.... drop of the tickets to a slightly irritated but grateful husband... and then head back up to the session.

When I FINALLY arrived at the session, I met a completely amazing and kind family. They had a beautiful little girl, a wonderful dog, and smiles full of forgiveness for me! How lucky I am to meet families like this!

This year, I was so excited when they called me for another holiday session. We went out on a brisk fall morning, and had a wonderful time. Zia is not even two but she is sweet as can be and one of the best little talkers I have ever heard!Zia carried around little bear and big bear all morning! I loved her soft hair and her beautiful brown eyes... what a sweet girl!
One of my favorite types of family photos are the ones that come after the "perfectly posed everyone smiling at the camera" shots. I love seeing the natural smiles, the love, and the emotion when you catch people being themselves and loving their family.Earlier this year, this family lost a very important member of their family... their amazing dog that I mentioned earlier. Well, while Nala (their new Labrador) does not take the place of their amazing doggie, she is an amazing addition to this family.Isn't Nala beautiful?! The morning did not warm up at all, and by the end... all of our noses were a bit chilly, but Zia, she remained happy as ever! I love this toothy little grin!Zia was so sweet... at the end of the session she ran up to me, gave me a big hug and a cold nosed kiss and said, "Thank you Sawa" in her adorable tiny little voice!Thank you again to this wonderful family... for your forgiveness and for sharing your family with me! It has been wonderful watching Zia grow! It has been a complete honor for me!


Satcha said...

Sara, thank you! 30 minutes is all it took to create memories, and beautiful images, that will last our lifetime. Thank you!

Oma&Opa said...

Sara, Oma & Opa Dearborn love your pictures of our daughter and her family. Our sweet Zia is an amazingly good conversationalist, especially at her age. We are so glad that you got acquainted with our kids and to spend a chilly morning with them that captured their life together.

Carole and Randy said...

Incredible visualization of love. It makes me want to be part of the pictures. Neither Zia nor Nala will ever be at this exact time again. Thank you for sharing these special moments captured so beautifully.